We ask for the uploading of the following:
• a cover letter indicating briefly the main contribution of the paper and its relation to the editorial policy of SDGE;
• a separate title page which should contain the title, authors' names and address, acknowledgements and word count (click here for the template to prepare the title page);
•the main document should be kept anonymous and contain title, abstract, keywords and main body of the document. Please refrain from any self-citations such as "authors' own", forthcoming etc. in both text and footnotes. Click here for the template to prepare the anonymous main document). Please note the length of the text, including references and footnotes, must be between 6,000 to 10,000 words; in general, tables and figures should not require more than 4 additional pages in the journal.
Once a manuscript has received a decision of ‘revise & resubmit’ or ‘conditional accept’, the revised version must adhere strictly to SDGE requirements as outlined in detail below. The resubmitted paper will not be processed further unless it is in correct SDGE style.
Details on how to submit online and how to upload the manuscripts are given in the online submission instructions. But, please, read our guidelines for the preparation of manuscripts first.
• The maximum length of articles including references, notes and abstract is 10,000, and the minimum length is 6,000 words.
• Articles must be accompanied by an abstract of no more than 250 words.
• The main document has to be anonymous and should contain title, abstract, keywords and the main body of the document - strictly avoiding self-references. Please, prepare your manuscript text using a Word processing package (save and submit in .doc or .rtf format). Files must not be supplied in PDF format. Manuscripts should be one and a half-spaced, including text in tables, legends and references.
• The author's name, institutional affiliation, and full contact details (postal, phone, fax, and e-mail), acknowledgements and a word count should be supplied on the title page which has to be uploaded as a separate file.
• Please upload a cover letter for all new submissions indicating briefly the main contribution of the paper and its relation to the editorial policy of SDGE.
• For revised submissions, please also upload a point by point response to the reviewer. Please ensure the response to reviewer comments or file is anonymous.
• Authors should pay particular attention to the accuracy and correct presentation of citations and references in the text as well as in the reference list at the end of the manuscript. For examples please click here.
• Footnotes should be kept to a minimum. They should be indicated in the text by superscript figures and collected at the end of the article in numerical order (Arabic numerals). If you use the Word programme choose: Footnotes as endnotes.
• Illustrations and tables must be provided in electronic form; each one must be provided in an individual file and uploaded separately in the online submission procedure. The file name should contain the number of the figure or table (‘Table #’, ‘Figure #’). When uploading, enter the title of the figure or table in the box marked ‘Caption/Legend’: ‘Figure # [the title of your figure]’; ‘Table # [the title of your table]’. They should be numbered in Arabic numerals and should be referred to in the text (indicate location by mentioning table or figure number and title). They should be comprehensible without reading the text, and the source has to be cited correctly.
• Concerning figures: The preferred file format for figures are Word, Excel (data sheet and chart), or EPS files. While notes and sources can be integrated into the figure file (see style sheet), titles should not be integrated as they are typeset with the text and not with the graphic. Please download our stylesheet – including models - for the layout and formatting of figures here. PLEASE NOTE: Publication of your manuscript will not proceed until figures suitable for reproduction are received. Also, the author is responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce a graphic from copyright holders. Please see the 'Permission information' below.
Papers submitted to this journal which do not adhere to these Guidelines for Authors or the Online Submission Instructions will be returned for appropriate revision to be in line with these Guidelines. They may then be re-submitted.