Document Type : original Article
Extended Abstract
Background and purpose
During recent decades, fair urban planning has always been considered by urban thinkers, and urban development without justice has been discussed as a source of inequality and class differences. In this regard, one of the basic roots of the emergence of injustice in cities is considered to be the production and distribution of rent, rent seeking and rent generation of urban planning systems. In Iran, the existence of rent as one of the main factors causing inequality has been considered by urban experts. Although there have been many researches about rent in connection with urban issues in Iran, these researches have partially dealt with the issue of rent in cities and there is a need for a research to achieve a macro view in relation to rent in the urban planning system of Iran. Therefore, the present research has dealt with the qualitative meta-analysis of articles related to rent in Iran's urban planning system.
Materials and Methods
The current research has analyzed the content of the rent issue in general by using qualitative research methods. In the present research, at first, by using documentary and library reviews and by using the meta-analysis method, it was tried to investigate the researches about rent in the urban planning system of Iran. To determine how much research has been done on rent and how it appears in the urban planning system of Iran, and also to determine what deficiencies and issues exist in this connection. To determine how much research has been done on rent and how it appears in the urban planning system of Iran, and also to determine what deficiencies and issues exist in this connection.
In this regard, first, all the content of the articles was carefully read and coded in MAXQDA software with open coding method, which resulted in the extraction of more than 1300 codes related to rent in the urban planning system of Iran. Then, all the codes were labeled and analyzed in relation to the urban planning system of Iran. Then, DPSIR method was used to analyze the codes and obtain the macro-components and mechanisms of rent-generating activities and the effects and consequences of rent-generating in Iran's urban planning system. In this regard, the open codes extracted in the first stage were analyzed with the axial coding method. Then, selective coding was done using MAXmap in MAXQDA software, and driving forces causing rents, pressures and currents arising from driving forces, situations created in rents and consequences affected by the situation were identified.
Findings and discussion
Examining the frequent codes of the studied articles shows that the most frequent codes are: The weakness of the tax system, the rentier government, the destruction of the incentive to produce, the sale of density, the class differences in the city, the sale of urban standards, land and housing speculation, injustice, rent in budgeting and legislation, effortless income, abundant natural resources, lack of Appropriate sources of income, distribution of government rent, weak institutional infrastructure, licensing of rent, government authoritarianism, weakening of civil society, weakening of democracy.
The existence of the weakness of the tax system, along with issues such as the sale of density and urban regulations and lack of suitable sources of income, among the most frequent codes, shows that the weakness of institutional financing in Iran's urban planning system plays an important role in relation to rent. On the other hand, the existence of other frequent codes such as eliminating production motivation, land and housing speculation, effortless income, and increasing tendency to rent-seeking, indicates that the weakness of public financing also has an important effect on the rent generation of the urban development system. Also, the presence of frequent codes such as the authoritarianism of the government and the rentier government against the weakening of civil society and the weakening of democracy is also interesting.
The results of the present research show that the continuation of the production and distribution of rent in the society leads to the reduction of healthy competition in the society and increases the spirit of rent-seeking in the society, causes the weakening of democracy and spreads injustice. It also leads to the weakening of economic and political structures and leads to deviation in the allocation of resources. Also, the decrease in the quality of public institutions and the lack of formation of a proper tax system are other consequences of the continued production and distribution of rent in the country.
Main Subjects