Background and purpose
The "structural empowerment approach" was introduced by Kanter in 1977 and 1993. He conceptualized structural empowerment as the process of establishing methods, capable social structures, and necessary resources within an environment, such as equipment, infrastructure, positive relationships, and knowledge sharing. This framework underscores the structural components essential for growth, learning, and subsequent empowerment. Key empowerment structures encompass delegation of power and authority, education and awareness raising, knowledge and skill development, and access to resources facilitating enhanced self-awareness and self-actualization, thereby expanding participation in diverse spheres. Women's structural empowerment is realized through the holistic consideration of these empowerment indicators. Only then can true progress in this domain be claimed. Previous research has partially explored the connection between women's empowerment and rural development. However, the specific impact of women's structural empowerment on employment remains understudied. This investigation addresses this gap by employing a novel qualitative approach. Notably, the review of existing literature informed both problem identification and methodological design, while providing a foundation for comparative analysis with the current study's findings.
This study employs a qualitative research methodology grounded in grounded theory. The study population comprises rural, urban, and nomadic women residing in the central district of Jarquyeh County. Given the qualitative nature of the research, the sample size was not predetermined but determined through data collection until theoretical saturation was reached. Data collection primarily involved indepth group interviews, complemented by participant observation in specific instances. A problem-oriented questioning approach guided the interviews, while data analysis adhered to grounded theory principles. To assess researcher competence and validate the research process and findings, Strauss and Corbin's seven criteria were applied, aligning with methodological recommendations and reliable sources within the field.
Findings and discussion
Interviews with women and officials in Jarquyeh County revealed three primary perspectives on creating structural empowerment. In the first group, many emphasized the importance of infrastructure, asserting that a robust infrastructure is essential for fostering structural empowerment at the county level. The second group, of participants highlighted the need for a cultural shift towards structural empowerment and self-employment to create a conducive environment for its development. Finally, interviewees underscored the significance of a supportive framework as a foundational element for establishing structural empowerment. Therefore, the present results are consistent with the findings of the studies conducted by (Najafikani and Vesal, 2015), (Kimiaei, 2011), (Jafarimahtash, 2006), Sell and Minot (2018), Van den Berg et al. (2022), Parveen and Leonhauser (2004), and Orgambídez et al. (2022).
This research investigates the necessary conditions to form of women's structural empowerment as a strategy to develop employment in the central district of Jarquyeh County, Isfahan Province. By presenting a paradigmatic model based on grounded theory, a more comprehensive picture is provided to explain the phenomenon of the need for women's structural empowerment in the central district of Jarquyeh County. In a general summary and considering the frequency of concepts, three main categories of views were identified that placed greater emphasis on the infrastructures for creating structural empowerment and the culture of creating structural empowerment as the initial conditions for its formation, compared to the support frameworks for structural empowerment.
Main Subjects