Passive defense is called as the most important intelligent measures to deal with human and natural threats in times of peace and tranquility. Today, knowing the current situation and creating a vision of the desired situation in relation to the spatial analysis of urban infrastructures in the light of security and defense considerations and using it in combination with the Geographical Information System (GIS) is of fundamental importance in the field of decision-making and planning according to It has a defensive purpose in studies. The main goal of this research is to evaluate the level of damage of the infrastructures of Mazandaran province. For this purpose, an evaluation process has been carried out using the geographic information system and the ANP model. Relevant spatial data have been collected from the official centers and authorities of the country, and written sources and questionnaires from local experts and experts have been used to measure and determine the criteria. The results of this research show that more than 60% of the area of the province is very vulnerable. And less than 20% of the province's area is exposed to low vulnerability. Also, the results show that the northern regions of the province and the Caspian Sea border are more vulnerable than the southern regions of the province and the highlands, and in case of establishing new infrastructures and crisis management in emergency situations, it is necessary to pay attention to the vulnerable areas of the province
Main Subjects