Department of Human Geography and Logistics, Faculty of Earth Science, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
Department of Public and International Law , Faculty of Law , Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
Document Type : Review article
In the last half of the century, the decentralization of the state is known as one of the key means of development regarded as a democratic process. Decentralization opponents argue against decentralization by eliminating internal unity, increasing internal conflicts, and complicating law enforcement, undermining the state and dividing the country, and proposing the idea of a "strong government as a centralized state".However, the decentralization of the central government to the local government provides grounds for the allocation of powers and powers to local communities, which will not only undermine the government, but also a clear demonstration of legitimacy and democracy in practice. Of course, decentralization requires legal and, at the same time, executive preconditions that affect the empowerment of the state in providing public services, participation and social education, and development of the local economy. The results of this study indicate that decentralization, if properly designed, could increase democracy without undermining the power of the state and, at the same time, give up a degree of power and authority to local communities. Decent decentralization expands the levels of participation and legitimacy, which reduces the cost of maintaining order, increasing the requirement for law enforcement, and reducing the need for government to use power, which ultimately all of the foregoing development.
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