Department of Sociology , Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Kharazmi University,Tehran,Iran
The Impact of civil management on the Development of Tourism Industry in Someesara Town
Document Type : Original article
Tourism is a kind of industry which its development needs sufficient awareness of the problems and effective, economic, social and cultural elements. Gilan has a mild climate and moist forested. Someesara which is located in western area of this province with numerous tourism attractions despite the Wetlands, lakes, mountains and forests could be mentioned as important tourism center at the regional level and also to be mentioned as one of the most important axes of tourism in country. The goal of doing this research is social evaluating of Someesara civil managements as one of the tourism destination’s in northern part of the country which presenting solutions for development of tourism industry. The method of present research according to its goal is applied and bases on its method is descriptive and analytic. Statistical society of this research included all the enter tourism in Someesara. The sample of study were 384 persons according to Morgan’s statistical table who have been chosen by simple accidentally method. Then the members interviewed and questioned. Also the statistical tests like Spearman’s correlation and T have been used for the study of hypothesis. The results of this study show that among the indicators studied, the weaknesses of urban management (69.01%), the lack of integrated management of sustainable productivity of attraction (82.81%), lack of facilities (75.78%), the lack of access and information (69%) had the greatest share in the discontent of tourists. The results show that the weaknesses of operation in management area and limitation of advertisements are the basic barriers for development of tourism in this town, thus this field has suit potential for tourism industry.
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